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To: KCSOS / Kern County Board of Education

NO to the TEN COMMANDMENTS in our KCSOS Schools

Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash
SAY NO to Christian Nationalism taking over our schools. 

As parents, grandparents and concerned citizens of our Kern County community, we believe strongly in the separation of church and state as proclaimed in our Constitution.  At the September KCSOS/Board of Education meeting, extremists advocated for the mandatory placement of the Ten Commandments in every classroom. 


Why is this important?

We want the KC Board of Education to know that the majority in our community want this board to focus on improving education when using our educational tax dollars, NOT playing political games with our students' education.  Join me in proclaiming to this Board that the education of our youth is NOT a game and NOT a political football.  We know this board has better things to do than waste its time on this type of EXTREME agenda.  

WE SAY NO to a mandate of posting the Ten Commandments within Kern County Board of Education Schools.   

Kern County, CA, USA

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