To: DougCo Public Schools Board of Education

Keep Public Dollars in PUBLIC Schools! Oppose Amendment 80!

The vast majority of Colorado voters agree: public dollars belong in public schools.

Unfortunately, that fundamental value is under threat from Amendment 80, which would open the door to taking money out of underfunded public schools – which educate 95% of Colorado students – to pay for private schools that can pick and choose which students to admit.  

As school board members, you are responsible for the quality and direction of our school district. This year you have an opportunity – and the duty – to stand up for public education and protect it from Amendment 80.

We are your constituents and we ask that you act as leaders for public education by passing a resolution opposing Amendment 80 and urging the voters of DougCo to vote NO on Amendment 80.

Why is this important?

Vibrant, high-quality public schools are the key to thriving communities like ours.  Signing this petition – and urging others to sign as well – is an easy and effective way to get our school board to step up and help us protect public education from this attack.

This measure would hurt public schools and threaten their funding. Public schools need more teachers, better teacher pay, and smaller class sizes. This measure will only make it harder to fund those improvements by opening the door to taking money from public schools—which serve 95% of Colorado students—to fund private schools.
Douglas County, CO, USA

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