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To: The Greeley/Evans District 6 School Board

Keep Public Dollars in PUBLIC Schools! Oppose Amendment 80!

The vast majority of Colorado and District 6 voters agree: public dollars belong in public schools.  They know vibrant, high-quality public schools are the key to thriving communities like ours.    
Unfortunately, that fundamental value is under threat from Amendment 80, which would open the door to vouchers – that is, taking money out of underfunded public schools to pay for private schools.  

As school board members, you are responsible for the quality and direction of Greeley-Evans District 6. This year you have an opportunity – and the duty – to stand up for public education and protect it from  Amendment 80..

We are your constituents and we ask that you act as leaders for public education by passing a resolution opposing Amendment 80 and urging the voters of Greeley District 6 to vote NO.

Why is this important?

Signing this petition – and urging others to sign as well – is an easy and effective way to get our school board to step up and help us protect public education from this attack.
Greeley School District 6, CO, USA

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2024-10-07 07:33:14 -0400

10 signatures reached